Kimber Stainless Pro TLE/RL II 4" 45 1911 3200149 in Huntsville, Alabama For Sale
Price: $1,000
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
Specifications: Height (inches) 90° to barrel: 5.25
Weight (ounces) with empty magazine: 36
Length (inches): 7.7
Magazine capacity: 7
Recoil spring (pounds): 22.0
Full length guide rod
Frame: Material: Stainless steel
Finish: Satin silver
Width (inches): 1.28
Frontstrap checkering
xxxx Picatinny Rail
Slide: Material: Stainless steel
Finish: Satin silver
Barrel: Length (inches): 4
Steel, match grade
Twist rate (left hand): 16
Sights: Meprolight Tritium 3-dot night sight, fixed
Radius (inches): 5.7
Grips: Black synthetic
Double diamond
Trigger: Aluminum Match Grade
Factory setting (approx. pounds): 4.0 - 5.0
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